We, the WISEDRAVALIFE team, have applied for our project to make our dream come true after many common thinking. Our vision is a river that flows freely again and feeds a diverse system of habitats on the joint Croatian-Hungarian section of Drava, over 200 km long. Compared to our other major rivers, this river section is less regulated, bearing the particular features of rivers flowing naturally, therefore Drava is very suitable for restoration.

The tasks undertaken in the project are implemented uniformly by the participation and co-operation of various groups working in the region connected to Drava. One of the foundations of the WISEDRAVALIFE is the working method that harmonizes the aspects and expertise of water management, nature conservation and forestry in order to reach the common goal.

One of the biggest problem affecting Drava – which has a flow accelerated by structures – and its habitats is the riverbed incision. In the project we will examine the causes of sinking riverbed and the possible ways of stopping, reversing, and reducing its effects based on extensive data collection and modelling. Based on these results, we will also begin the restoration of the Drava: in the main riverbed, we will demolish, reconstruct or modify some of the regulating structures. We breathe new life into a selected side branch of the Drava River and reconnect it to the Drava flow system. In the Lankóci forest, which is a little further away from the main branch of the Drava, we keep the water with bottom weirs.

The important results of the WISEDRAVALIFE project will be the studies and suggestions based on which further projects to rehabilitate, restore the Drava can be built. It is our intention that these documents will be important reference basis in the planning processes of water management and nature conservation as well.


With the contribution of the EU LIFE+ financial mechanism