The first bat colonoies moved in the artifical nests installed in the Lankóc forest

During the monitoring of bat boxes in June, rangers of DDNPI confirmed that in total 424 bat specimens occupied the artifical nests.

On 13-14th of June 2022, rangers of DDNPI conducted a field trip in Lankóc forest to monitor the artifical nests that were installed in 2019. Out of total 51 boxes, 26 ones are occupied now by bat specimens: 6 boxes are inhabited by colonies of soprano pipistrelle (Pipistrellus pygmaeus), 410 specimens in total, 1 box by a colony of western barbastelle (Barbastella barbastellus), 10 specimens in total, and 4 boxes by lone specimens of soprano pipistrelle. Western barbastelles are very rare and have special needs for their habitat, so their presence in the Drava area has a huge significance. 

Photo: Dombi Imre, DDNPI

During the monitoring it was confirmed that both rocket- and mailbox type nests are occupied by bats. The presence of parent colonies proves that the location and climate of the boxes are sufficient for bats even in this sensitive period, so the rangers think that the nests will be used even more intensively in the future and new species can appear as well.

During a pervious monitoring it was revealed that due to the shortage of nest-holes in the area, artifical nests installed for bats are often occupied by tits. To make sure that bats can move in their boxes, DDNPI rangers installed another 120 nests for tits.

Photo: Dombi Imre, DDNPI